
With great consternation we all look at the war in Ukraine and see how this senseless war not only destroys lives and livelihoods, but also forces thousands and thousands of people to flee.
Since the outbreak of the war, many of us feel the desire to help the affected people in Ukraine immediately and in the long term. With the support of #WeAreAllUkrainians, help alliance is therefore organizing a benefit concert on June 18, bringing together musicians with Ukrainian students and internationally renowned soloists for a unique concert experience in Munich’s Isarphilharmonie.
Thank you for your support!
The project
Since the terrible crimes that took place there shortly after the beginning of the Russian invasion, the name Bucha has stood in a special way for the suffering and senselessness of this war.
Before the war, the music school in the village offered nearly 600 children a place for creative development.
Miraculously, the school survived the destruction with only minor damage, but has broken windows and a damaged roof.
With the donations collected through ticket sales, it is planned to renovate the damaged music school and equip it with new instruments so that the children there can make music again as soon as possible.
In order to give all the children and young people of Bucha a creative opportunity to come to terms with the events of the war in the long term, further donations will be used to support special music education programs.
What happens with your donation?
100% of your direct donation goes to the project work. The administrative costs of help alliance gGmbH are fully covered by the support of the Lufthansa Group.
Note: Help alliance gGmbH issues donation receipts and your donation is tax deductible.
The revenues from ticket sales, after deduction of all direct third-party costs and taxes, also go to help alliance gGmbH. There are no further administration costs for the help alliance.
Unfortunately, no donation receipts can be issued for sold concert tickets.
Bank details
Donation account
help alliance gGmbH
Frankfurter Sparkasse 1822
IBAN: DE89 5005 0201 0200 0292 23